Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Monday, November 19, 2012

Call from Jesus the Good Shepherd to His Flock.

My Flock, Are in Spiritual Battle, Do Not Neglect the Prayer, for May Lose Your Soul!


Sheep of my flock, my peace I leave with you, my peace I give

Time has begun shortened, days, months and years, every time will be short. I tell you, your days are no longer twenty-four hours. Remember that you are in the no-time and everything has to be fulfilled as it is written. So take maximum advance of each second that you have of this time in this passing world; do not waste it in worldly vanities, rather pray, fast and do penance for save your soul and the souls of your brethren neediest of God Mercy. Again I tell you, that the time will be shortened to the limit, and my mercy will give way to my justice where there not will step back.

My flock, are in spiritual battle, do not neglect the prayer, for may lose your soul. My adversary stalks the souls to make them lose, be alert and vigilant because mental attacks will increase. Again I tell you: "Take every thought captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ” (2 Corinthian 10, 5).

Remember that struggle is not against enemies of flesh and blood, if not against principalities and powers, against the rules of this tenebrous world, against evil spirits that dwell in celestial spaces. (Ephesians 6,12). Be clothed with the whole armour of God so you may be able to stand wiles of the devil (Ephesians 6,11).

Be advised of all this, my flock for not to fall in my adversary’s tramps. Mental attacks are leading many to madness, causing blood to run. All the works of the flesh and all misfortunes that happened in this world are the product of control exercised by mental spirits over those souls apart from God. Strengthen your mind reading my Holy Word, put on the Armour of God, invoke the power of my Glorious Blood and consecrate to It, pray the Angelus, it has power to banish evil forces, and the Angelus united with Holy Rosary is powerful armour. I give you these spiritual weapons for you to remain in victory and defeat the force of my adversary.

My flock, do not forget to pray exorcism given to my servant the pope Leo XIII, pray it after Holy Rosary to my Mother, and I assure you that my adversary will flee terrified. Do not forget that prayer chain overthrow fortresses; form little forts of prayers with your brothers and the evil forces will be defeat. My peace I leave you, sheep of my flock. Repent and convert, because the kingdom of God is at hand. Your Master and Shepherd; Jesus of Nazareth

Make known my messages at all ends of the earth.

Source: ➥
