Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Urgent Call to Humanity

Light Your Lamps with Prayer, for the Hour of Divine Justice Has Come!


My children, may my peace be with you. My children: I need you to pray because the night is enveloping my creation; if you knew my children, what is coming for mankind: tribulation such as has never been seen before on earth; death will be the company of so many who today turn their backs on me; days and nights are coming when there will no longer be rest. The spirits of the air will steal the peace of many and the spirits of fears will seize others; peace will end and the night's rest will be lost; the spirits will wander seeking dwellings and bodies to inhabit them, they will take physical form and bring misfortunes everywhere; it will be the last reign of my adversary and all his minions; you already know his works. Hell will come down to earth and you will then know what is desolation, what is pain. All those who have turned their backs on my calls to conversion will seek me but no one will listen to them; it will be too late for them. The nights, my children, will be of spiritual battle; while some pray the others will rest and then take turns; prayer will be your strength that will keep you victorious; that is why you must make chains of prayer with your brethren. The strength of prayer will not allow the spirits to steal your peace. Do not make combative prayer without your armor on, so that you will not be surprised; extend it to your relatives so that they may also be protected. When the false prophet makes his appearance, you must be prepared to face his evil forces. The spirits will wander day and night, seeking whom they may devour, but the nights will be the propitious space to sow their evil. Where there is prayer they will not enter. Prayer will be your protective shield, the burning flames of my praying children will shine in the darkness and will be preserved by my angels and my heavenly armies; as long as you pray you will have peace. That is why it is important from now on that you get used to pray in the silence of the night and in the day so that you will be prepared for those days already near. My children, the weapons for the spiritual combat will be:

1. Spiritual armor from Ephesians 6, 10 to 18, Psalm 91.

2. Rosaries to my Mother as many as you know, united spiritually to her Immaculate Heart.

3. Psalms and combative prayers.

Receive my Body and my Blood, hopefully every day.

5. Make spiritual communion 3 times, for when you cannot receive my Body and Blood.

6. Fulfillment of my precepts; by this it will be known that you are of my flock and no force of evil will be able to touch you.

Faith, hope, Charity and above all much Love, because you are going to be tested in Love. You are warned, the spiritual battle is about to begin; wake up from your spiritual lethargy, so that the night does not catch you asleep and you become easy prey to the forces of evil. Woe to you inhabitants of the earth, because the Divine Justice will be your Judge; prepare yourselves then with your lamps lit, with prayer so that you may illuminate the darkness that is approaching. May my peace be with you. I am your Father, Jesus the Good Shepherd of all times.

Source: ➥
