Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Jesus of Nazareth’s Anguished Call to Mankind.

Forgive Them, for They Know Not What They Do.


My children, may my peace be with you always!

The days are already announcing my next coming. Father, forgive them for they not know what they do. How many insults to my divinity will I have to endure? My Passion is revived and my Calvary is more painful for so much ingratitude and so many sins of the vast majority of humanity of these times.

Every abortion, every innocent who dies, shatters My Flesh; the criminal hands scourge Me; the children and senior people who die of hunger, are thorns that pierce My head. My being quivers with pain when man and his technology of death manipulate life; the cross I have to carry during this time is heavier than the one I carried on the path to Golgotha. !How it hurts me to see my youth, plunged into darkness and death, how it hurts me to see destroyed families, the poor evil people, destitute widows and orphans! Tears run down my eyes when I see I spilled my blood to redeem you and everything seems to no avail. !Oh, how heavy is my cross, and how slow is my agony! Cyrene come and help me carry this cross; weep with me daughter’s of Jerusalem, wipe My face with your tears and engrave my portrait upon your soul. I am the Christ of all times, who lies dying and sad, seeing so much human misery, so much human ingratitude and sin of this impious generation. Oh shepherds of the House of My Father, my flock is being lost by your indifference and lack of commitment to my gospel! Each priest I lose shakes my church and my blood flows in spurts, watching them fall into the abyss. I am your Most High Priest calling today’s shepherds of my flock, to retake the way of my gospel and not to continue in your life of dissipation. I gave you example of humility and surrender to the will of my Father, Why do you spear me as Longinus with the lance of your ingratitude, and lack of faith and commitment to my gospel? Many no longer believe in Me, many question the mystery of my Body’s and Blood transubstantiation, locked in the simplicity of a consecrated host, and celebrate my Holy Sacrifice just to comply.

I thirst for true priests who surrender to Me, and comply with the doctrine of my church and my gospel. My people lies thirsting in search of my word, Who can quench my thirst?, my sheep are falling into the cliff, for there are no shepherds to guide them and bring them into the fold; the harvest is plentiful yet the laborers are few. Feed my sheep my shepherds, and comply with your priestly ministry as I taught you; neglecting not my flock, so as not to regret, for trully I tell you; To whom much is given, much is required; make good use of the talents I have given you, so that you may be justified and not have to tell you tomorrow, depart from me.

I thirst, I am agonizing, great is my pain and my agony slowly, for the multitude of your sins; come to comfort me my people, come to console me my sheep herders; your company relieves my pain and sadness, delay not, for the evening is passing and night is coming. I wait where I am imprisoned and lonely. I am your Master, Jesus of Nazareth. The Beloved who is not Loved.

Make known my messages to all humanity.

Source: ➥
