Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Call of Santifying Mary to Militan Army. Alto De Guarne. Antioquia.

Little Children Clothed with Banner of the Blood of My Son, Make His Chaplet and Gethsemane Hour and All Forces of Evil Will Be Defeated.


Little children peace of God be with you and my Holy protection free you of all evils.

The Warning days are close, be not afraid, my little ones, pray and trust and everything will be in accordance to my Father’s Will. Rejoice because your happiness is waiting in the new heaven and the new earth. Offer your purification as a gift to God for the salvation of sinners. You are God’s people, follow me and take me by the hands and I will carry you safely to the gates of the Eternal Jerusalem! I tell you, your purification will be easier if you surrender to our two hearts. Do not be afraid my little children, I the eternal shepherdess will care of all of you, my Son’s flock.

Be not afraid about the days to come, remember that your prayers and your loyalty to God will be your protection during the trial and your passport to the new creation. Take refuge in my Immaculate Heart and my rays of light will guide you and protect you through the desert. Blissful you, who will inhabit the new creation. How many wanted to be here during these times in order to see God’s face. Have you not thought of this? Be happy and rejoice in the Lord instead of being sad, you must feel joy in your spirit for the second coming of My Son.

Very soon the Kingdom of God will come to reign in your hearts; nobody can take away from you the happiness, peace and joy in the spirit. If only you knew how beautiful the Celestial Jerusalem is! It is the biggest gift my Father has reserved for after the purification. The biggest joy on earth is nothing in comparison to what is waiting for you in the new creation, no eye has seen or ear has heard what God has reserved for his loyal people.

Little children I ask you to pray for your defunct relatives and forefathers, my Father wants to give the joy of eternal life to all poor souls in purgatory who are waiting for you to offer for them your prayers, works, fasting, penances and holy masses, as well as your purification; if you offer to my Father this fasting of love by the souls, they will thank you and they will become your intercessors in this world and when you arrive to all eternity too. My little children pray for all the souls of priests and religious in purgatory and especially for those poor souls in most need of God’s Mercy. The holy mass heard with devotion and offered for the poor souls frees many of them from the fire of purgatory; the chaplet of the Divine Mercy offered to our Eternal Father for the repose of souls also frees many of them, my Holy Rosary, especially the sorrowful mysteries, if offered for the repose of souls will free them from the fire of purgatory; my novena of the Carmel advocacy is powerful for the rescue and liberation of many souls. Little children, help me rescue souls, not just those souls in purgatory, but also those that are wandering this world without God or Law.

Do not forget the Precious Blood Devotion, it will set you free of many evils; this gift my Father has given for these times cannot be wastede, again The Blood of my Son will set you free.

Cover yourselves with the flag of My Son’s Blood, pray the chaplet of His Blood and Gethsemane hour, and all forces of evil will be defeated. Hurry my little ones for the hour of your liberation is fast approaching. May the Glory of God cover you with His mantle! Your Mother, Sanctifying Mary.

Little children of my heart, make my messages known.

Source: ➥
