Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Urgent Message from Sanctifying Mary to the Children of God. Alto De Guarne, Ant.

My Adversary Flees when He Listens to the Sorrowful Mysteries, Because He Knows the Blood of My Son Has Power to Defeat Him


Children of my heart, May the peace of the Holy Trinity accompany you and the love and protection of this Mother assist you always.

My children, everything is ready for the spiritual combat to commence, do not let go of My Rosary, pray it day and night and when you feel under attack. My Holy Rosary is protection for you and your families. Pray it always. The sorrowful mysteries of My Holy Rosary keep the demons away and strengthen you in the spirit. When my adversary listens to the sorrowful mysteries he flees for he knows that My Son’s blood has power to defeat him.

Do the Chaplet of Precious Blood too and the Rosary of the wounds of my Son, and I assure you my children that you will remain in victory. Do not forget your Spiritual Armour; do not enter in combat without wearing it, because you will be vulnerable. The Armour is spiritual protection given by God to protect you from the attacks and incendiaries darts of the evil one. Prayer and Spiritual Armour must be united for you to repel the spiritual attacks of my adversary and his agents of evil. Do not forget to wear the armour so that the incendiary darts of the evil one will not penetrate you.

Children, I am among you in company with your beloved Michael, we just wait that My Father to give us the order to fight by your side. We still need for the schism to be enforced within the church, but I announce you that this event is at the doors of mankind. The schism in My Son’s church unleashes the other missing events, and it will accelerate the sending of the Warming and Miracle. My Father’s Love and Mercy will prepare you in the Warning to face the trails that are coming. My Father and I love you creatures, and we want your salvation, this is the reason why heaven does all efforts in order to save the greatest number of souls. Little children, all these events that are about to happen, were programmed in the Divine Will for the beginning of this century; but I, your Mother, interceded for you before My Father, for Him to stop the time of his Divine Justice. My tears and pleas My Father listened for His love for His Daughter to stop His justice for humanity to have time to convert.

What sadness my Motherly Heart feels for the mankind to see that you did not take advance of this Grace Time! Evil and sin were intensified, and they pierced my painful Heart. Little children take advance of the Love and Mercy that God will send in the Warning and Miracle; be ready my children with your Armour and your lamps oiled with prayer so you can face all events that are coming. The peace of God be always with you and my motherly protection accompany you. Your Mother that loves you. Sanctifying Mary.

Make my messages know little children of my Heart.

Source: ➥
