Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Friday, April 19, 2013

Urgent Call from Blessed Virgin Mary to Catholic World!


Little children of my heart, peace of God be with you all.

Little children, I do an urgent call on the next 13 of May, the date that will be 96 anniversary of my apparition in the Cova da Iria, Portugal, for be taken place the global day of prayer with the recitation of My Holy Rosary, at 12:00 noon Colombian hour (East Time).

Begin with the recitation of Angelus and unite in prayer with your Celestial Mother pleading for these intentions:

For the promulgation of my fifth Marian dogma (Mary Mediatrix, Correndentrix, and Advocate, Lady of all Nations). For the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart. For the Pope Francis and the church. For Peace in the world. For the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart. That whole catholic world supports my appeal on that day, so together we will cry out to Our Eternal Father for these great intentions.

Little children of my heart, you are my Marian Army, join me in this glorious day praying with me My Holy Rosary so we will be one voice and one family crying out to Eternal Father for Mercy for whole humanity.

Daughters of mine, I ask you with all my heart that you wear on that day your mantilla or veil over your head in an act of love, piety, humility and devotion when you be in the church.

I count with you, my great Marian Army!

Mother Mary loves you, Lady of all Nations.

Make my messages known to all mankind.

Source: ➥
