Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Friday, October 18, 2013

Urgent Appeal from Jesus the Good Shepherd to His Flock.

Beware of Those Who Are Prophesying Against My Church and Against My Vicar, Because the Poison of Their Words Brings Division, Confusion and Chaos, and This is Not Coming from Me!


The night is arriving, and with it the time of Divine Justice, Pray for my vicar, support him, because the enemies of my church have begun to discredit him, so many will believe the deceptions of my enemies, and many will turn away from my church. Beware of those who are prophesying against my church and against my vicar, because the poison of their words brings division, confusion and chaos, and this is not coming from me!

The discrediting campaign is underway, many of my purple’s ones are in default with my vicar, for they expected a pope who allow them to implement in my church the doctrine of liberation. O what a surprise has been received by catholic world and many of my purple’s ones with the election of Pope Francis! They expected a pope with weak character and easy to manipulate, but they have encountered a barrier, an obstacle, which will not allow them to carry out their plans against my church.

Never before a choosing a pope had created so much controversy in the catholic world, but I arranged well. When I came to this world, and I began my public life, there was also division and I was discredited and, many abandoned me.

Remember: I came not to bring peace but war, as well as yesterday, I need to know who is with me, and who against me. Your thoughts are not my thoughts neither your ways are my ways. You think like men, you do not think as God. You do guesswork and judge lightly; what do you know, sons of clay, about God’s plans? Who can know His intentions and be sure of what the Lord wants? Your human reasoning are uncertain, and your ideas misleading. (Wisdom 9, 13-14)

Poor creatures! If hardly you guess what happening on earth, and with difficulty you discover what you have in your hands; then who will know my intentions? Do not believe that you are gods, sons of clay! Stop to be judging, criticizing and condemning, because there is only one Judge, My Father, who is in heaven.

Support my vicar, my flock, do not listen to all discrediting comments being made against him, because the Pastor that you have, I have chosen him, so that he shepherds my flock in these times of a lot of confusion and apostasy. He is the stumbling block for many in the Vatican and in the catholic world. I call all my children faithful to my church, to support and pray for my Vicar because his Calvary began. Make prayer’s chains globally by my vicar; because many in my church have begun to discredit him to create division and chaos in the catholic world.

My peace I leave you, and my peace I give you. Repent and convert because the kingdom of God is at hand.

Your Master: Jesus, the Good Shepherd of all times.

Make known this message to all mankind.

Source: ➥
