Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Friday, December 13, 2013

Jesus’, the Blessed Sacrament, Urgent Appeal to Mankind.

Rip Your Hearts Out, Because the Days of My Divine Justice Are Approaching!


My peace be with you!

My ‘warning’ is coming, just missing bell strokes of mercy to consume everything in its entirely. After ‘warning’ and ‘miracle’, it will come purification’ days, and only a remnant of you will stay. Those will be called God’s people.

My children, men of science, allied with the kings of nations serving my adversary, are investigating to create a lethal gas and a bacterium which will be spread out through the air of many nations; seeking to exterminate a great part of humanity. They will take advantage of war’s time to carry out this genocide.

Be very careful, my people, because they will proliferate vaccines and not all will be for the benefit of your health. Some of these vaccines have the aim of exterminate the population of poorest and underdeveloped nations. The global population will be decreased especially kids and the elderly. In many countries are carrying out sterilization days for women with the complacency of their rulers. Their goal, sterilize young women so that life does not be born. O kings of wicked nations, your days are counted, weighed and measured! Your nations will disappear from the face of earth by the fire of my Righteousness that will fall upon you from sky! All those nations that commit injustices with my people and break my commandments are going to be erased and will no longer be remembered.

My flock, I announce that the new world order is about to be established; all those nations which will not accept this regimen will be sentenced to die of hunger and thirst. Their lands will be confiscated, usurped, their population will be enslaved, all their resources and goods will be taken by foreign governments, and these poor nations will lose their identity. The new world order will enslave my people, which will go through the desert of purification.

My children, the signals in sky are intensifying; celestial phenomena never before seen by any eye have been showing for you prepare for my next coming. The whole universe will be shocked with the transformation of my earth. Rip your hearts out, because the days of my divine justice are approaching! Husband leaves his room and the wife her thalamus, because the last trumpets are about to sound announcing that the time of My Mercy is over. My Mercy is running out, wandering sheep comes back to me as soon possible, stops sinning; removes the bandage of sin from your eyes so you can see the way of salvation for you will not be lost forever.

It is time for prayer, reconciliation, meditation, fasting and penance; it is time to return to God so that you can save your soul. Wandering sheep is getting late, night is drawing close, and with it darkness. I do not want your death, but rather your everlasting life. Come to me, come to me, come to me with contrite and humiliated heart, and I promise that I will not let you lose! I am calling you, wandering sheep and rebel sheep do not let go the last calls that I am making. Reconsider, come closer to me and you will find peace, forgiveness, love and solace. I am your Father and Savior Who is waiting for you in the silence of each tabernacle.

Hurry up, do not be afraid, I am not going to reproach you; I just want your Salvation. Waiting for you, Thy Father and Savior, Jesus, The Blessed Sacrament

Anyone who has seen me has seen my Father. (John 14,9)

Make known my messages to all mankind.

Source: ➥
