Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Thursday, May 29, 2014

Sanctifying Mary’s Urgent Call to Families.

Little Children, Who Live in Free or Adulterous Unions, Stop Sinning and Offending God. if You Are in Common Law Union Get Married, and if You Are in Adultery Get Separated, So That You and Your Families Do Not Be Lost in the Passing of Divine Justice!


May God’s peace be with you and it remains always!

Little children, in this time dedicated to families, I want that you take awareness of such a gift that God has given you for you can have a home and family, which has to be an imitation of Nazareth’s Home. Parents turn your eyes to heaven and pay more attention to your offspring and your home; these times that you are living are difficult for raising your children, but if you believe in God and consecrate your families to our Two Hearts, no one will be lost.

I make a call to families without distinction of creeds, race or religion, because the days of scarcity and spiritual aridity are drawing close. Put your trust in the unique and true God, One and Triune, so that the Divine Providence be food for your body and light for your soul. I want as Mother of humanity to ask you, my little children, that you consecrate your families and homes to our Two Hearts, because my adversary in the last time of his reign will attack more strongly the family’s nucleus, and he will put parents against children and children against parents. He searches in this way to destroy homes so he can steal souls of the families.

It is urgent to make this consecration before the night with its darkness arrives, so that your homes and families stand firm against the attacks that you will receive from my adversary and his forces of evil. My adversary’s army has aimed at the destruction of families; it is for this reason, my little children, that heaven is asking you for this consecration so that the households and families which have received the blessing of the Holy Sacrament of Matrimony not be lost.

Little children, who live in free or adulterous unions, stop sinning and offending God. If you are in Common law union get married, and if you are in adultery get separated, so that you and your families do not be lost in the passing of Divine Justice! Little children these sins lead to damnation, and it marks your children with a curse which goes generation after generation; remember what the Holy Word of God says: "I will punish children for the iniquity of parents, to the third and the fourth generation of those who reject me, but showing steadfast love to the thousandth generation of those who love me and keep my commandments” (Exodus 20, 5-6).

Reconsider little children, who live separate from the blessing of God, see that your souls are in danger of condemnation; do not continue staining my Father’s precepts so that you will not lament tomorrow.

Thy Mother: Sanctifying Mary. Alto de Guarne (Ant.)

Make known my messages to all mankind.

Source: ➥
