Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Urgent Call of Jesus the Good Shepherd to His Flock.

Lukewarm of Heart, Awake, Awake from Your Spiritual Lethargy! Define Yourselves at Once, Because the Night is Coming and the Door Will Close on You!


Peace to you, sheep of my flock.

The trumpets will trump anew and this time their clarion call will sound stronger; they will alert humanity to prepare spiritually, materially and psychologically for all the foretold signs of these end times. My flock, the fury of nature is about to be unleashed and will punish man for all the misuse and outrage it has received from his hand; a chain of fire is at the point of breaking out on the earth, the volcanos will be roused as dragons and the fire from their mouths will turn to cinders many places on earth.

Creation is about to undergo the last birth pangs and its wailing will be heard in all the corners of the earth. Fire balls from space approach the earth hurtling toward the impious nations; celestial phenomena as have never been seen by eye of man will be manifest; all the universe will be in consternation and the earth will quake. The continents will be displaced on account of the settling of the tectonic plates and the earth will be transformed into a New Creation. My flock, do not panic, all this must happen so that a new creation can surge into existence; in the days of testing pray and sing praises, and all will happen in accordance with my Father’s will.

If you remain united to God, you will not suffer loss, your faith and trust in the divine will shall help you to bear these days of testing. As the Good Shepherd, I announce what is to come so that you prepare and nothing take you by surprise.

These events are very close, which is why you should pay attention and stay vigilant as good soldiers; always bearing your Spiritual Armor on you, by day and night, and walking as sons of the light, so that your light may shine upon the darkness that is getting close, and be a beacon to guide all those souls that still walk in lukewarmness and darkness.

Lukewarm hearts, awake, awake from your spiritual lethargy; define yourselves at once because the night is coming and the door will close on you! Remember that not all who say to me: Lord, Lord, will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but only those who do the will of my heavenly Father (Matthew 7:21). Double-minded sons, you have not yet defined yourselves and this will be your ruin, if you not return as soon as possible to the path of salvation.

Double-minded sons, if you continue in your spiritual lukewarmness, I assure you that you will be lost, because I will vomit you from my mouth! Either you are with God or you are with the world and its prince! Behold, you are out of time, and the time of divine justice is about to start, and no one will listen to you in the time of justice. The ship of my Mercy is about to raise anchor, press onward and buy yourselves the ticket that will obtain for you eternal life.

My peace I leave you, my peace I give you. Repent and convert because the Kingdom of God is near.

Your Teacher, Jesus, the Good Shepherd.

Make known my messages to all humanity.

Source: ➥
