Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Thursday, May 1, 2014

Sanctifying Mary’s Call to Children of God.

Come Beloved of My Father, the Glory of God Awaits You in the New Creation!


Much beloved little children, May the peace of God be with you all and the love of this Mother accompany you always.

The day is drawing close when my Son will return to a transformed and purified world, the New Celestial Jerusalem. Prepare little children for receive the King in all His Splendour; the Glory of God will be with you, the joy, peace and love of God will flood your hearts. Today my beloved, I come to guide you to the light of the Holy Spirit for inundate your whole being with the divine light which will shine upon you the aurora of a new dawn which will announce that the Messianic time is about to begin. Blessed who will be purified, because the Glory of God awaits you in His new creation.

The new heaven and the new earth will be the Eden of the children of God; an ecstasy of love, a gift from your Creator, the Promised Land for His faithful children. All will be transformed, this world that you know, very soon will be chaos; only then, the rebirth of the new creation will be achieved. Little children, many of the blessed ones will be with you in the New Jerusalem; myriads of archangels and angels will come down, My Son, His apostles and this mother will be with you. Many of your relatives, whom are enjoying the Glory of the Father, will also be with you in the New Jerusalem.

Rejoice my little ones, for great will be your joy when you be able to contemplate the King of Kings in all His Splendour and this mother, who loves you so much. I tell you, my little ones, that many prophets wanted to see what you will see, and hear what you will hear from the lips of My Father. The Wisdom of God will flood you and make you wise; my Father will cover you with His wings; and you will be His people and He will be your God. Little children each suffering that you overcomes in the purification will be rewarded in the new creation. The Grace of life shall be given you, so you will be new creatures similar in nature to the angels; the fountain of youth will bathe you, and everyone will return to being young as heavenly inhabitants. My Father loves you, creatures, so He will give you plenitude and abundant life. Come beloved of my Father, the Glory of God awaits you in the new creation!

Little children, your purification is a little test of love, in the difficult moments that you will pass, think in the happiness and joy which is awaiting you and keep forward. Courage little children, very soon will end your sufferings; you are already walking through the desert, do not give up! Remain firm in the faith and love, so that you can to overcome the test, and tomorrow you will be inhabitants of the Celestial Jerusalem. Forward, my little ones, thy mother is with you, the goal is expecting you! Trust in me, I will guide you safe to the God’s Glory. May the peace of God and my maternal protection always accompany you!

Thy Mother, who loves you: Sanctifying Mary. Alto de Guarne (Antioquia).

Make known my messages to all mankind.

Source: ➥
