Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Call of Mary, the Mystical Rose, to the Sons of God.

Little Children, Colombia Will Be a Land of Blessing and a Marian Refuge in the Times of the Great Tribulation


Little children, may my maternal blessing always accompany you.

Like the bird, the Phoenix, Colombia will raise itself up from its ashes and receive the blessing of my Father, so that it can accomplish the mission with which it has been charged of being a light for humanity. Little children, Colombia will be a land of blessing and of Marian refuge in the times of the great tribulation. Streams of Living Water will sprout up from this Colombian earth that will calm the spiritual thirst of many nations; flowing springs of life will irrigate the arid dryness of a world that after the purification will be thirsting for God.

Colombia, you are the land of hope upon which God has set his eyes. I tell you my little children, that very soon my Father will rip out from this land the evil weeds, so that blood will not again pour out from your bowels; even now the Angels are ready to start the harvest and all the tares and evil weeds of this beloved Colombian nation will be cut down, dried and thrown into the fire, so that only the good harvest remains.

Out of Colombia will come a great number of spiritual men and women who will travel the whole world over with the message of salvation of the Father; the message of life that will return faith and hope to a humanity thirsting for the Word of God, that will walk toward the promised Jerusalem. The days of your testing are approaching, beloved Colombia, and you now know that there will be no turning back, for it is written that you will be Light for the Nations. After the purification, you shall shine like a crucible and you will again be betrothed to the Sacred Heart of my Beloved Son.

Oh, beloved Colombia, you will be as a star in the firmament and the nations will call you, "The New Jerusalem”! Oh land of plenty where milk and honey will flow, place on earth where all will want to be! I tell you, cherished Colombian land, that this is a gift that my Father has reserved for you for after your purification. Land of hope, Heaven is counting on you! Do not disappoint the love that my Father has for you; accept, children of Colombia, with humility, love and faith, the testing that my Father will send you, because it is for your own good and for the good of all humanity.

May the peace of God be with you and my maternal protection aid you.

Your Mother, Mary the Mystical Rose, loves you.

Make my messages known to all humanity.

Source: ➥
