Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Thursday, July 11, 2019

Urgent call of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to humanity. Message to Enoch.

Do not desecrate your body with Tattoos, Piercings, Implants, Surgeries.


My children, I bring you my Peace.

My Beloved children, I feel sorrow and sadness in seeing millions of men, women, children and young ones, who by vanity are piercing, marking, (tattoos) or modifying their bodies through surgery. I say unto you rebellious children, if you do not repent, confess and repair for this sin against my Holy Spirit, you will be Anathema. Remember what my Word says: Do you not you know that your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit that dwells in you and that you received from God and therefore it does not belong to you? You have been bought for a price. Therefore, glorify God in your body (1 Corinthians 6.19,20).

My children, the price I paid for you was my death on the cross. You my little ones, cannot desecrate your body, doing what you want with it; because your body, I repeat to you: is Temple of the Holy Spirit. Your responsibility is to take care of it, watching that nothing would harm it or desecrate it; your bodies, my little ones, belong to Me. you cannot do what you want with them, and they are not your property.

Beware not to desecrate the Temple of the Holy Spirit, which is your body; do not stain my work, by getting Tattoos, Piercings, Implants, or Surgeries for a whim or vanity; because in truth I say unto you, that this is abominable in the eyes of your God! Accept yourselves as I created you, because you have been created in my image and likeness, and all my works are perfect. Who are you, children of the mud to desecrate my Temple? Foolish ones! Do you not know that by desecrating your body, you sin against my Holy Spirit who dwells in you? What are you going to answer Me tomorrow, when your soul comes before Me, stained with this sin? When you desecrate your body, you commit a mortal sin and you become Convicted of Guilt.

I gave you a body, soul and spirit, which form one unity that you must protect and care for, for the Glory of God. Heaven only allows surgeries, implants and other modifications made to your body, when they relate to health problems, accidental mutilations, deformations or congenital diseases, and in general about everything that has to do with the subject of your health. No surgery, implant or body modification, done on a whim or for vanity, will be justified by Heaven.

Therefore, reconsider my children, do not continue desecrating the Temple of the Spirit that is your body. You are the product of my Love and Mercy, and you are my most beloved work. You came into this world not to do your will, but mine. I remind you of my Word: flesh and spirit oppose each other, so that you do not do what you want. (Galatians 5. 17) Live in the Spirit and avoid all that has to do with the desires of the flesh, so that they do not take over your life and lead you to do your will against Mine.

My Peace I leave you, My Peace I give you. Repent and be converted, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.

Your Teacher, Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, the Beloved who is not Loved.

Make my messages known to all mankind, my Children.

Source: ➥
