Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Monday, March 30, 2020

Call of Saint Michael to the People of God. Message to Enoch

Seed of My Father, Days of Great Trials Are Approaching for All Humanity, but You People of God, Do Not Fear!



May the Peace of the Most High be with you all.

Seed of my Father, days of great trials are approaching for all humanity, but you, People of God, do not fear. I, your Prince, am already in your midst in the company of my Brothers, the Archangels and Angels, of the Celestial Militia. We are waging heavy combat against the hosts of evil, in the space of your world. Ask for my protection Brothers, and call me three times with my battle cry: Who is like God? No one like God! and I will gladly come in the company of my Brothers, to give you our help.

People of God, my Exorcism done with faith will also remove from you all pandemics, all plague, and all attacks by the enemy of your soul. The days of tribulation are in your midst; pray, plead and praise the Glory of God, and do not fear. Remember: my Father, has given order to the Archangels and Angels, so that we protect you in all your ways, we take you in the arms, so that your foot does not stumble over any stone. (Psalm 91, 11-12) If you live under the protective shadow of the Most High, He will be your refuge and shelter. (Psalm 91, 1-2)

The promises of this powerful Psalm have been fulfilled in all times of human existence. Moses prayed with this Psalm, along with the Hebrew People, the night the Angel of God's Justice passed through Egypt, exterminating his firstborn. Do also the same, People of God, of these last times; And I assure you that if you do it in faith and you seal yourself with the Blood of the Divine Lamb, no pest or plague or virus will be able to knock on the door of your homes.

Consecration to the Glorious Blood of Jesus

Psalm 91 (KJV)

Seed of my Father, with these small tests that the Most High is allowing to come to you, what Heaven seeks is that your faith and trust in God take hold; so that when the days of the Great Tribulation come, your faith will be so firm that nothing and no one can steal your Peace or separate you from the Love of God. So keep calm, People of God; do not panic or fear, because fear does not come from God. Trust and Praise the Glory of the Most High and I assure you that the days of the Great Tribulation that are to come will pass like a dream for you.

May the Peace and Protection of the Almighty remain in you, Israel, People of God.

Your Brother and Servant, Michael Archangel

Brothers, make my messages known to all humanity

Source: ➥
