Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Friday, May 15, 2020

Call of Jesus in the Sacrament to His Faithful People. Message to Enoch

My People, My Holy Sacrifice Will Shortly Be Permanently Suspended; My Faithful Children Will Be Persecuted, Tortured, Imprisoned, and Many for the Sake of Faith and My Gospel Will Be Martyrs!


My Peace be with you, My Beloved People.

My children, the duration of time is close to reaching the limit of 12 hours and with this I want to tell you that the days will not last 24 hours, but 12 hours. The time of My great justice will begin when the length of days reaches this limit. I exhort you My Children, so that you take advantage of the short time in which My Houses will be open, so that you make a good confession of life and feed on My Body and Blood, receiving me in the mouth. In a very short time, you will no longer have My Houses open, because the time of the great abomination is beginning. The children of darkness are preparing to welcome their master and their main objective is to attack My Houses, destroy My Tabernacles and to desecrate My Divinity.

My people, My Holy Sacrifice will shortly be permanently suspended; My faithful children will be persecuted, tortured, imprisoned, and many for the sake of faith and My Gospel will be martyrs. After the pandemics have passed, the world will no longer be the same; everything has begun to be fullfilled; only My Warning and Miracle are missing, so that the last reign of My adversary begins, where My People will have no rest day or night. Charity will cool down to the maximum, apostasy will reign, and wickedness will be unleashed in all corners of the earth.

Do not fear, My people, Heaven will not abandon you; Again I tell you: My Mother will be the Tabernacle, where I will remain in those days of anguish and desolation. Do not depart from her, for my Mother will protect you like the chicken to her chicks. Through the recitation of the Holy Rosary, you will communicate with My Mother and with me; My Mother's Rosary will be the bridge to communicate. Do not forget this instruction and put into practice all that we have told you, so that you can remain firm in the faith, in those days of spiritual darkness. I remind you again: The Spiritual Armor is vital for your defense and protection, therefore, it must remain spiritually in your body morning and night. The power of the Spiritual Armor protects you from the attacks of the evil entities that are already in your world. Remember that the forces of evil know who is from My Flock, therefore, you must be well protected spiritually, so that they cannot harm you.

Be prepared then, My flock, for the days of the great tribulation are at hand; stand firm in faith, despite the difficulties that you are going to have to go through; let nothing and nobody steal My Peace from you. Think of the Glory that awaits you and the dawn of a new dawn; where you will be with me, until the end of time.

Your Master, Jesus in the Sacrament

Make My messages known to all mankind, My children

Source: ➥
