Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Call of Mary the Sanctifier to the Sons of God.
My Marian Banner is Powerful Armor for These End Times!

Little children, may the peace of God remain in you and my maternal protection accompany you always.
Little children, raise the Banner of Our Two Hearts in your homes and bear it together with my rosary on your neck, because it will be the emblem of victory over the forces of evil. Have readied my Marian banner, my little children, for it is the banner of victory for these end times; all the homes where my banner is honored will be protected and no evil power will be able to do them damage. My Marian banner is powerful armor for these end times.
Dear little children, may the Marian banner be the ensign of the people of God; hoist it up every time you enter into prayer, because it is a shield against the forces of evil. All the homes and all those who bear it with my rosary will be protected by the Celestial Armies, and in the hour of your death I will aid you and not permit you to be lost. Have it blessed by one of my priests so that you be protected day and night, and so that my adversary not be able to touch you, or do you any harm; my Marian banner will protect you in every instant, especially in the hours of rest at night. You can also place my Marian banner together with the "Welcome” sign [translator’s note: the "Ictus” sign, by which Enoch probably refers to the ancient Christian fish emblem, with the letters ,"ICTHUS”, written within the body of the fish, which both spells "fish” in ancient Greek, and is an acronym and code for "Jesus Christ (is) Son of God (and) Savior] at the entrance door of your homes; it will afford you protection and be a signal to the Angel of Divine Justice when he passes through your city, that he not enter your home and his sword of justice do no harm to you and your families.
Prepare yourselves, then, my Militant Army, hoist high my Marian banner at all your spiritual battles and I will give you the victory each day. Do not fear, my children, this Mother will not abandon you; pay attention to my instructions that I send you through the instruments of these end times; do not reject the messages because they are the voice of heaven guiding you in these times of darkness and of spiritual combat.
I, your Mother, Mary the Sanctifier, love you.
Make my messages known to all humanity.