Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Sunday, September 10, 2017
Urgent call of Jesus, the Just Judge to Mankind.
Great events to be unleashed. Panic will seize humanity.

My peace be with you, My children.
Great events that will change the fate of mankind are about to be unleashed.
The fury of nature will make many nations mourn; the water of the sea will rise and gigantic waves will destroy cities and populations.
The creation is in labor pains and its groaning will be felt in the five continents.
Fire from the sky will fall upon the earth and a large celestial body that is already approaching, will collide with it, this event will change all in this world.
Panic will seize humanity, only those who put their hope and trust in God, are going to overcome this trial. Cries and woes of sorrow will be heard everywhere, the vast majority of this ungrateful and sinful humanity, will blame Me for their misfortunes.
Oh sinful humanity, it is not I, the cause of your misfortunes; you are the ones who, with your sin, are unleashing My Justice!
The creation does not bear any longer your outrages, your sin tears her apart and her groaning and pain make her tremble. Her trembling is what you are receiving for all your injustices.
Oh ungrateful and sinful humanity, the time of My Justice is approaching! Who can resist It? Very little is left, your sin and wickedness are already reaching the limit, when this happens, you will know my Just Wrath. I, the Just Judge, have come to hold you accountable and to weight your works.
Laments will be what I will hear, because the works of the vast majority of this humanity do not serve to justify itself.
Run fools to put your accounts in order, for the days of My Justice are approaching; the night of My Justice is near and with it the Angel of Extermination!
I will pass by as I did in Egypt, and my passage, only weeping and desolation will leave.
My people, the sign of the "Ichthys" on the threshold of the entrance door of your homes, will be the sign that will protect you, when I pass by with My Justice.
My Angel of Justice will move over in seeing the sign; but in the shelters of the wicked, weeping and laments will be heard.
Do praying, fasting and penance, and pray with My Psalm 91, during the three days of darkness. Do not leave My Mother's Rosary, nor the Rosary of My Precious Blood.
Do not open the door of your home to anyone and cover the windows with red cloth, so that light does not enter; lock the locks of doors and windows, for during those three days of darkness, I will exterminate the wicked and forever end it with wickedness and sin in the creation.
Prepare My People; do not lose your temper, or panic, when the creation is in her last hours of labor.
Everything will move, but nothing is going to happen to you, if you have your trust and hope in the Lord. Remain united with My Mother and I, and all that is to come will pass by for you like a dream.
It is near the great day of the Lord. The sun and the moon darken; the stars lose their luster, the sky and the earth tremble. But the Lord will be a refuge for his people.
Your Lord, the Just judge
Let my messages be known to all humanity, My people.