Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Urgent call from Mary the Mystical Rose to the people of God.
Be very careful with my little infants.

Little children of my Heart, the Peace of my Lord be with you all and my Maternal protection always accompany you.
Little children, be very careful with my little infants, because the emissaries of evil are paying for each kidnapped child, to use them in satanic rites; offering them to my adversary through black masses, to obtain of this fame, power, money and other favors. Pay close attention to this warning, because many children are getting lost; do not be careless a single instant toward your little ones; Go personally to pick them up at day cares or colleges, or send relatives of yours to pick them up. There are many wicked people that for exchange of money are abducting them to give them to the children of darkness, to carry out these macabre sacrifices in honor of the master of darkness.
My children, remember that the times you are living in are already of tribulation, and the enemies of God do not rest looking for the way to do evil to you. Wickedness has intensified; all the occult practices are now fashionable; doing evil has become a habit. The children of darkness are in their time, be very careful with the people you meet, do not show your heart to anyone; do not receive gifts or food from strangers, for you well know that the devil and his henchmen already roam through this world. There are already many possessed souls among you, who roam around looking for a way to hurt you or steal your soul.
Do not walk around looking for what has not been lost; with this I want to say, that there are many who walk in search of those who perform miracles to them; in despair they walk from here to there, in the search for those who can change their fate; they go to people and not to God and in most cases they are scammed or worse, they fall into the hands of the servants of evil who steal their souls. Ungrateful little children, only God saves and He alone can transform your lives. Seek Him with a sincere heart, where He is prisoner and lonely, in the Tabernacle; I assure you that in return you will receive what is worth more than money: peace, joy, fullness and life in abundance. Seek God with sincere heart and everything else will come to you in addition.
My children, again I warn you about vaccinations because there are already cases of deaths between children and the elderly, by a type of vaccine against flu, which are being distributing by the organizations that serve the Illuminati elites. The Illuminati have planned to decimate most of humanity, especially the children and the elderly; Because according to them they are a burden to governments; Neither the children nor the elders produce. In the time of my adversary's last reign, do not let yourselves be vaccinated, because you run the risk of losing your life. The Illuminati elites have made alliance with many governments, and they will undertake health campaigns by sending medicines to all third world countries and Africa. Their order is to decimate the population of these countries so that there is only one minority that they can enslave. Do not believe my children in the benevolence of the powerful ones,for they are not interested in the poor or the marginalized, for them they are weak and all the weak according to them, must disappear. The enlightened ones, as they call themselves, feel to be like a superior race and they only want to stay and govern the Earth. My Father will destroy the plans of the wicked ones if you people of God, pray and cry to Heaven.
Little children, many powerful ones walk around making shelters to escape the days of Divine Justice; How naive and foolish they are! Even an ark they are building to save themselves. Foolish, if ye do not repent and retake as soon as possible the path of salvation, you will die under the fury of nature that will crush you in your fortified shelters! I tell you, if you are not spiritually prepared, you will not resist the Just Wrath of God. To nothing your money, power, science and technology will be useful in the time of the Divine Justice. Rather run to put your accounts in order; turn away from the evil path and return to God with a sincere heart; help the widow and the orphan to feed the hungry and quench the thirst of the thirsty; Dress the naked and share your riches among the needy and I assure you that in return you will receive the treasure of eternal life.
Remain my children in the peace of my Lord.
Your Mother loves you, Mary the Mystical Rose.
Let my messages be known to all mankind, little children of my Heart.