Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Monday, May 13, 2019
Urgent Call of Our Lady of Fatima to humanity. Message to Enoch.
Wake up, the days of Divine Justice are coming!

Little ones, the Peace of my Lord, be with you all and my Maternal Protection, always accompany you.
Little children, the night is coming and this poor humanity goes without accepting the calls of Heaven. How many appeals and instructions we have been giving this humanity for him to change; Heaven is running out of all the means to save the greatest number of souls, but this humanity deny himself to listen to God! The rejection of the immense majority is an affront to my Father's Love and Mercy. Nothing touches this ungrateful and sinful humanity, they make a thousand promises to change, but they do not convert.
The days of purification are already coming and many for not being prepared will not resist them. Because of the commotion of the universe and of the Earth, many nations will disappear and millions of souls will be lost. Your planet has begun to shake and every time its movements will be stronger; all the elements of nature are about to enter the final stage of their transformation. The strong seismic movements are about to begin and soon the whole Earth will no longer stop moving. Heaven is waiting for the force of nature to awake this humanity.
The tranquility and the daily life of humanity will be lost, to make room for anxiety, fear, insecurity and despair. Little children, what a sadness that this has to happen, for the immense majority of humanity to reconsider! Ungrateful and sinful humanity, turn your eyes to God, for the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord is near! Turn to these last ringing bell of Mercy, that you may attain the joy of salvation. Leave your stubbornness and sin and reconsider once for all, so that tomorrow you are able to see the dawn of a new sunrise! Comprehend that Heaven does not want your death, but your eternal life.
Do not continue going as rebel ones, pay attention, little children, that the time of Mercy is coming to an end and by not accepting it what awaits you is the Justice of God which is relentless, straight and inexorable; giving to each one according to his works and your works, sinful humanity, are lacking in weight; the sentence for you would be eternal death.
Rebellious little children, these are my last calls of Mother, do not grieve Me more with your bad behavior. Remember that I suffer a lot more for you, my rebellious children, do not make your Mother cry more. I do not tire of praying and of interceding for all humanity and especially for all my rebellious children; but you don't want to change, what can I do then? Reconsider, repent and return as soon as possible to God, because in not doing it, what awaits you in eternity, will be eternal death.
I encourage you, my rebellious little children, to wake up before the days of Divine Justice come, because when these days arrive, there will be no going back, and no one will listen to you and you will be lost eternally. Accept my invitation and, as soon as possible, take the path of salvation. Wake up rebellious little children, for the days of Divine Justice are coming!
Your Mother, the Lady of Fatima.
Make my messages known to all mankind, my little children.