Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Urgent Call of Jesus, the Good Shepherd, to His Flock.

My Flock, I Need the Cooperation of All of You to Promote Throughout the Whole World the Spiritual Armor of These End Times Given to My Servant, Enoch!


Sheep of my flock, may my peace accompany you and may the light of my Spirit guide you.

The days of the great tribulation approach, the hour of your freedom is near; each passing day, the attacks of my adversary against my flock grow stronger, so that you must be alert and vigilant to be able to repel the attacks of the evil spirits and their terrestrial agents. Of primary importance is the Spiritual Armor, you ought to put it on before going out to the street and before laying down to rest, because as you well know my adversary does not rest in his seeking how to destroy you.

My flock, I need the cooperation of all of you to promote throughout the whole world this spiritual armor given to my servant, Enoch. It is the time in which you must begin to lend to him, my messenger, all your cooperation and assistance so that he can complete the mission I have charged him with of spiritually preparing my flock for the great spiritual battle that is coming. Remember that "a single swallow does not make a summer”, therefore I call on you to unite and help my Enoch to be able to fulfill this prophesy.

Shepherds of my flock, open the doors of my houses so that my people can come to praise me and speak with me! The hour is approaching and the time of the great abomination is knocking at the door, and you well know that when this happens, I am to be thrown out from my houses. Do not make yourselves guilty of negligence and apathy by not wanting to hear my voice and act upon my words.

As in the past, today I am revealing myself to my people through my servants, the prophets; listen to me and pay attention to my words so that you shall not have to lament when I call you to account for your actions. My arrival is near and I need to have my people ready to receive me. My people, the hour of your great purification is about to begin, take responsibility for what I am telling you so that you won’t be too late; look at all the signs that I am giving you in the sky and on the earth, so as to make you reconsider and awaken yourselves from your spiritual lethargy. You shall again hear the trumpets sounding from the four cardinal points of creation and when their sound has past, you will then know that you are in the time of the great purification; the time of justice when everything will be chaos and confusion.

I make an urgent call to all my flock so that it prepare spiritually for the great Armageddon that is approaching. Arise, my people, for the invader is near and comes to destroy you, he comes to take possession of your earth! Unite yourselves to my Celestial Armies and invoke the Holy Name of my Mother, she will guide you by means of the prayer of the Holy Rosary; do not forget the power of my Blood; consecrate yourselves to my Blood and pray the Rosary of my Precious Blood, so that you can vanquish the attacks of the forces of evil. The Spiritual Armor will be your fortress, wear it at all times and I assure you that you will not be lost. Again, I tell you as your Supreme and Eternal Shepherd, receive my messengers and clear all obstacles from their path so that when they appear you can provide all the means they need to accomplish their mission. My peace I leave you, my peace I give you. Repent and convert because the Kingdom of God is nigh.

Your Teacher and Shepherd, Jesus the Good Shepherd of all times.

Make my message known to all humanity, sheep of my flock.

Source: ➥
