Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Urgent Call of Jesus, The Good Shepherd, to the Lukewarm of Heart.
Children of Divided Hearts, Do Not Lash Me Any More with the Whip of Your Spiritual Tepidity

My peace be with you, my children.
Life in this world is very short and passes like a dream, you will live forever more in eternity; because true life is found in the Kingdom of my Father. I feel sad to see that many do not want to change; they fill my Churches only for these days, they beat their breasts and those who see them say that they are pious men; but that is not so. They are the lukewarm of heart who make a thousand promises these days, but resist change. My Holy Week passes by and they return once again to this path of sin and attachment to the things of this world.
Oh, what sadness these souls cause me! I tell you, children of divided hearts; hurry, and change at once, because time is running out for you and your spiritual tepidity will assuredly lead you to eternal damnation! Oh, be cold or be hot; define yourselves at once! Awaken from your spiritual lethargy and take up as soon as possible the path leading to salvation! Children of divided hearts, do not lash me with the whip of your spiritual tepidity. Be with me or be against me. Who do you serve? God, the world and its pleasures, or the devil? Sheol is full of millions of you whom an unexpected death has surprised.
It hurts me and saddens me to see so much spiritual tepidity in the many who claim to be my relatives. Poor souls, if they do not change, they're going to be lost! Listen, lukewarm of heart: to get to heaven, you must walk the way of calvary, carrying your crosses. There is no purification without suffering; pick up your cross and walk with me, each of you carrying your passion; only in this way can you attain the joy of eternal life.
I am waiting for you, children of divided hearts; do not delay, because there isn’t any more time and very soon my justice will come and it knows no mercy. Repent and convert and take up your cross in imitation of me, walking the narrow path that leads to salvation!
What are you waiting for to return to Me? I do not want your death, but rather that you live eternally in the glory of my Father. Again I say; hurry, because the bark of my mercy is about to leave. Enter through the door of my mercy and make a good examination of conscience; confess all to one of my priests, so that you may receive my forgiveness. I hope that you do not delay, time is running out; do not leave your salvation to the last minute, because you can lose your soul. Repent and convert, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.
Your Master, Jesus the Good Shepherd.
Make known my messages to all mankind.