Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Urgent Call of Mary Mystical Rose to Humanity.
Mary: Again I call you parents, so you can control the use of technology in your homes.

My little children, the peace of my Lord be with you and My motherly protection always accompany you.
My children, I am very sad and I suffer a lot for all of My children who live in free union, adultery or have relationships outside the Sacrament of Marriage, as are the vast majority of My young people. I say to you as the Mother of humanity, if you do not straighten your walk and resume the path of salvation, many of you will not return to this world after the Warning. Your sin will be your condemnation, if you do not repent and make reparation for it. Know that in your passage through eternity the place where you will go will be hell, from there will be very few who return to this world.
Many tears I am spilling for you My little ones, you do not know how much pain I feel in My Heart, for the thorns of impurity that daily you nail me for this sin. You do not know how great is the pain of My Son, to see you stain the Sixth Commandment of the Law of God. The vast majority of humanity will be lost because of their debauchery and sexual impurity. The demon of impurity is dragging many young people, men and women, into hell. It is one of the sins for which more souls are being condemned.
Again I call you parents, so you can control the use of technology in your homes. My children and My young people are making bad use of this technology that is handled today, especially that of the cell phone, the computer and television. Many are using it to see pornography and out there, they get the demon of impurity that is leading them to eternal death; others use it to enter the world of the occult, learning witchcraft or playing ouija board; others use it to listen to metallic satanic music that ends up distancing them from the family and from God; plunging them into the darkness from which they will not leave, if they do not renounce it.
Parents, restrict the use of this technology in the evening hours, because many of My children and young people do not rest because they are stuck to the cell phone, the computer or the television; seeing what they should not see and listening to what they should not hear! I tell you parents, Heaven is very sad because of the permissiveness of many of you, that to continue as they are going, it is more likely that they will be lost along with their children. In Hell there is a place where families lie that were condemned by the permissiveness of many parents. The demon of technology is stealing the souls of many families.
Children, the vast majority of today's homes are homes in the world where the Spirit of God has been replaced by Luciferian technology. My Holy Rosary is no longer prayed in many homes and there are very few families that today take time for prayer. This estrangement from God is what is leading many families to spiritual death. Let parents return to prayer and to recite My Holy Rosary in your homes, so that the demon of technology can leave them! Learn the Commandments of the Law of God and put them into practice; teach them to your children, so that you and they will not continue to transgress them; inculcate good moral and spiritual foundations so that the spiritual life in your families can be reborn.
May the peace of My Lord, remain in your homes.
Your Mother loves you, Mary Mystical Rose
Let my messages be known to all humanity, children of My heart.