Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Call of the Blessed Virgin Mary to the people of God.
Children, there is Indulgence for souls in Heaven this week because of the feast of My Assumption!

Little children, peace of My Lord, be with you all and My motherly protection always accompany you.
My children, today is a very special day in Heaven, My Glorious Assumption is celebrated once again. I was taken in Body, Soul and Spirit, by the Angels to the Glory of God; there is a great joy today in the Kingdom of My Father, for all the Angels and the Blessed Souls, chant My Name and Praise the Glory of God, giving thanks to the Most High for her humble slave. My Father rejoices and Heaven is giving the blessings for all souls and creatures.
My children, there is indulgence in heaven for the souls because of the feast of my Assumption. Attend the holy mass and participate in the feast of the Divine Lamb; pray with fervor My Holy Rosary and pray for the intentions of the Pope and a Plenary Indulgence for a single time, you will receive; that will serve to erase many of your sins. You can also offer it to the blessed souls in purgatory for eternal rest, especially those who are most in need of God's Mercy.
Today, all the Souls in Heaven are in the company of the Angels, celebrating with special Joy of My Glorious Assumption. My Father's Creation today is blessed and millions of souls, by the Grace of God and in honor of their humble slave, ascend to Heaven. All the souls in purgatory are moved on this day; some go up to the Eternal Glory, others are taken to places where their purification is more bearable and the souls of the Third Purgatory receive a rest.
This week, little children, there is much intercession in Heaven for souls; Take advantage of My children so that you pray for the souls of your deceased relatives and ancestors and for your family tree, so that you can be healed and you and your generations can be freed from intergenerational chains. The blessings of Heaven flow abundantly this week; follow then the instructions that I have given you so that you can win this great blessing that Heaven gives you for the feast of My Assumption.
Give Me more Roses, My little children; join in prayer with your Mother, with the Angels and the Blessed Souls, so that together we can praise the Glory of God. After the prayer of My Holy Rosary, I want My little children to sing to me the Salve Mater, do not forget it.
May the Peace of My Lord remain in you.
Your Mother loves you, Mary of Nazareth
Let My messages be known to all My children.