Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Saturday, January 20, 2018
Parish Corpus Christi, Cali, Colombia. Urgent call of Saint Michael to the lukewarm of heart.
Lukewarm of heart, hell awaits many of you.

Who is like God? Nobody is like God!
Give glory to God, because His Mercy is eternal.
Mortal brothers, the Glory of God will soon manifest Itself to you, your passage through eternity is getting every time closer and closer. The Celestial Trumpets are about to sound and the sounds of the Shofar will announce that the day of the Warning is approaching. Be ready and spiritually prepared, for your personal encounter with the Most High.
If you are in Grace of God, brothers, you do not have to be afraid, because your encounter with Our Father will be your greatest joy. But if you are taken by surprise this day in mortal sin or without the Grace of God, yes that you must he afraid, because instead of Mercy, what you are going to know is the Justice of God. Woe to those who are surprised by the Warning in mortal sin, because they run the risk of being lost eternally!
As Prince of the Heavenly Armies, I make an urgent call to you, Lukewarm of Heart! What are you waiting for to accept God with a sincere heart? Do not keep on going without direction like leaves moved by the wind, from here to there.
Leave your spiritual lukewarmness, because to continue as you are going, many of you will be lost. Lukewarm of Heart, time is running out, if you continue in your lukewarmness without being neither cold nor hot, your lack of decision, will be your perdition! Accept once for all God in your heart, so that tomorrow when you present yourself before Him, you can be counted as Children of God.
Lukewarm of heart, hell awaits many of you. My Father will allow this to happen in order to awaken you from your spiritual lukewarmness, because he does not want you to be lost. Reconsider double-minded brothers, you stll have few instants of Mercy; take shelter in Her, so that your passage through eternity is not your perdition or worse nightmare.
Run to put your accounts in order and the most important, accept God with a sincere heart. Do not leave your conversion to the last moment, because, most likely, you are not going to have time, and the Warning is going to catch you by surprise, without allowing you to define yourselves.
Mortals, look at the signs in the sky that are intensifying more and more, do not follow your obstinacy; take shelter in the last moments of Mercy and gather yourselves in prayer, fasting and penance, so that when the Master arrives and knocks at the door of your soul, He finds you awake and without blame.
Rest in the Peace of the Most High, men of good will
Your Brother and Counselor Michael the Archangel.
Let my messages be known to all humanity, men of goodwill.