Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Monday, January 28, 2019
Urgent Call of Mary the Sanctifier to the People of God. Message to Enoch.
Parents, control the use of technology in your homes.

Little children of my Heart, the Peace of my Lord be with you all and my Maternal Protection, accompany you always.
My children, the fuse of war has already been lit, the world and humanity are close to being hit by the scourge of war, which will bring only death and destruction. Millions of human beings will perish, one part with the war and the other one with the silent death, which will be scattered in the space of many nations called third-world countries by the elites.
My little children, I am very sad for the increase of violence in your world, which is causing so much blood to flow; intolerance is increasing and that is leading to the loss mental sanity of large part of humanity. Conflicts and differences are already no longer solved through dialogue, but through violence and this is leading to the loss of many lives. I am very sad and I cannot stop crying, because of the increase of abortion among the young; much innocent blood is being shed for the debauchery of the youth. Oh, heartless mothers who murder hope in your wombs and make them living sepulchers! I tell you, if you do not repent, confess and repair for your sin, you already know the place that awaits you in eternity. Leave your debauchery, and do not continue to be puppets of pleasure. It is for your lust and debauchery, for your lack of love, charity, responsibility and above all for the lack of fear of God, that so many innocents are dying. Every innocent you murder in your wombs is a plan of God that you cut off and for which tomorrow you must respond to God. The Supreme Tribunal awaits you in eternity, there you will see your children you murdered and you will comprehend the plan God had for them, which you, with your lack of love, terminated. Poor you, heartless mothers, if you do not return to God and repent for your sin, eternal death will be your reward for eternity!
My little ones, come to my Shrines and console Me, because I feel great sadness for so many families that the technology of this world is destroying; the lack of leadership of many parents and above all the absence of God in millions of homes, is what has allowed the god of technology going forward in destroying them. This god, coming out of the hand of man, is destroying the values and healthy customs of many families and the saddest thing is that he is separating them from God.
Parents, once again I say to you, what are you waiting for to wake up and to regain control of your families? It is because of your lack of love, dialogue, understanding and above all, for the absence of God in your homes, that today so many families are going adrift. The healthy moral and spiritual customs are in decline because of the god of technology. Television, computer, cell phone and other technological gods are the ones directing (in control of) many homes today. My children are growing up with lack of values, technology is taking over the place of parents and this is leading families to a moral and spiritual crisis. The loss of faith is increasing and has its root in the family, in many countries, the spiritual decadence is so great that the bloodless Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is no longer officiated, due to the lack of parishioners. Many temples are being closed, oh, what a sadness I feel in my Mother's Heart, in seeing the indifference that the immense majority of humanity feels toward God! Millions of souls are going to be lost in their constant turning their backs and not their face to the God of Life!
Little children, the time has come for the division of families, as it is written in the Holy Word of God: "From now on a household of five will be divided, three against two and two against three; a father will be divided against his son and a son against his father, a mother against her daughter and a daughter against her mother, a mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law" (Luke 12: 52-53). It is time, little children, to be united in prayer because the days of Divine Justice are approaching and every family that is not with God will be lost. No more worldly cares and worries, your priority must be the salvation of your soul; your priority must be God in your Families.
Again I say to you, parents, return to the only One who can give you and your families salvation; control the use of technology in your homes; set time for dialogue and prayer; return to the teaching of the Divine Precepts, to pray my Holy Rosary, so that God reigns again together with Me in your homes. Heaven is very sad for so many families that are losing themselves due to the misuse of the technology of this world. Parents, collect your children's cell phones at night and turn off your computers; take your TV sets and video games out of your homes; because it is for these gods of human technology that so many children, young people and families are on the way to perdition. Many families lie in the depths of hell, because they lived in this world without God and without law; they cared only about having and possessing and they forgot God; they lived to satisfy their ego and this led them to eternal death. Today they lie in the abyss, lamenting and cursing their fate, and there is no one that listens to them. Thus reconsider parents and as soon as possible take control of your families, so that they tomorrow are not lost at the passage of the Divine Justice.
May the Peace and the Love of God return to reign in your hearts and your families again.
Your Mother loves you, Maria the Sanctifier.
Let my messages be known to all humanity, children of my Heart.