Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Sunday, June 16, 2019
Urgent call of St. Michael to the people of God. Message to Enoch.
All the beings you call aliens or UFOS are demons.

Beloved Children of God, the Peace of the Most High be with you all.
People of God, we are waging strong spiritual battles with the hosts of evil in your world and its space. Sin and evil have taken root in the heart of this wicked humanity, and this causes that the evil spirits take over many souls; the demons do not rest looking for humanity to fall.
The demons of impurity are the ones causing the loss of more souls; the breaking of the Sixth Commandment of the Law of God is leading the young and men to be lost eternally. Millions of souls live today in union with the demons of flesh; this has caused the Spirit of God and the Guardian Angel to turn away from them. Evil spirits are controlling, guiding and directing the lives of millions of human beings.
Because of the control that these evil spirits are exerting on so many souls, this is why today in this world so much blood is being shed. Remember that the evil one is hatred, destruction and death; he is only interested in stealing your soul to mock God and His creation.
Brothers, all the beings you call aliens or UFOs are demons. Do not believe in the lies of the Aliens nor in the so-called Enlightened or Ascended ones, because they are all demons! They are entities from the underworld; many are disguised as Angels of Light, sending messages that a vast majority of humanity far from God, is accepting and following them as if they were Divine.
Be very careful with this, brothers, because the so-called Angeology is from the New Age, which serves the adversary. All messages that come from the Most High must be covered by the Word of God. Remember that everything has already been written; the prophecies of the true instruments of Heaven of these end times are reminding you of what is already in the Holy Word. Every message of Heaven must call to repentance and conversion of humanity; and most importantly, it must spiritually prepare the People of God for the events that are about to come. Every message from Heaven must announce the chastisement that will come to humanity, if he does not convert and returns to God.
Beware then, brothers, about you allowing to be seduced by messages that do not speak of Mercy and Divine Justice, but that show you a false salvation, where there is no repentance or conversion. I repeat again: Messages of beings of Light, Angeology, messages of enlightened beings and teachers, do not come from God, so that you do not fall into those traps. All of this is part of the New Age, which is the disguise with which the adversary is camouflaging in recent times.
I remind you brothers: to reach Heaven, you must first take your Cross and walk through the Calvary of purification. All the Children of God must die to sin and must be purified, so that they may enter tomorrow the Kingdom of my Father.
May the Peace of the Most High remain in you.
Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to God
Your Brother and Servant, Michael the Archangel.
Let, seed of God, my messages be known to all mankind.