Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Call from St. Joseph to the People of God Message to Ecoch.
People of God , you have to be well prepared spiritually!

Beloved Children , the peace of God be with you all and my humble protection and interession always assist you.
I am your Father Joseph and I am in your midst , I have been sent to accompany you and to assist you in the spiritual batres you have in this world . Seek my humble interession to the Good God and call me by saying:
'O Glorious Patriarch St . Joseph, Step Father of Jesus and Humble and Chaste Bride of Mary. Powerful interessor of souls and faithful guardian of the Church , we turn to you, dear Father , so that you come to protect and rescue us in the spiritual struggle against the enemies of our souls. Come to our aid and for your humility and purity, deliver us from all evil St Joseph, terror of the demons, come to my aid' (3 times).
My Beloved Children ask our Good God through by my humble intercession , to grant you the Gift of Humility and of Purity , which is so necessary for your struggle and spiritual growth . Remember , my children that my Beloved Son never ignores pleas and requests I make to him for my devotees. The Gift of Humility and of Purity are powerful spiritual armors with which you will overcome demons . The spirits of evil flee before a humble and chaste soul , humility and purity, united to love, blind to Satan and its demons; humility and purity bring you closer to God and make you invisible to the forces of evil; remember , never a humble and simple heart is rejected by God.
My children , you are in the times of darkness. Do not neglect prayer, fasting , and penance. Staying at all times in the Grace of God, because you know well that your enemy, the devil , does not rest in search of a way to make you to be lost . Many souls are going to perdition because of lack of prayer and of their fulfillment of the Holy Precepts. The pleasures of the flesh and the worries and the works of this world are turning away many souls from God; the vast majority of humanity is spiritually blindfolded and they do not know that what is about to come to them is a tribulation never seen before on earth . People of God, you have to be well prepared spiritually, so that you may endure the days of anguish, despair , desolation , scarcity , hunger , plague , chaos and death that are coming.
My children , the greatest trial you will have to go through in those days, will be the Thirst of the Word of God. When the time of the Great Abomination comes , the Holy Spirit of God will separate from humanity. He will only be with his Faithful People. My Beloved Wife Mary will be the Tabernacle where you will find Our Beloved Son Jesus . The vast majority of this ungrateful and sinful humanity will be lost in the passage through the desert , because the Spirit of God will not be with them. Then they will tear their garments and cry out to heaven saying : 'Lord , Lord , come to deliver us, come to our aid' , but there will be no one listening to them. Little ones , I give you this prayer of protection so that you may pray it in faith and be strengthened in temptation, so that you can defeat the enemy of your soul.
Prayer to Saint Joseph, asking for his protection:
O Glorious Saint Joseph! For your deep humility, for your unalterable meekness, for your invincible patience, for your angelic purity and for your perfect fidelity that made you punctual imitator of the virtues of Jesus and of Mary, I ask you to console me in all my sorrows, to lead me in all my doubts, to defend me in all temptations, to deliver me from all spiritual and material dangers. Extend your arm against all my visible and invisible enemies, by breaking and disrupring all the bonds and the ambushes they lay down and put against me. Amen.
May the Peace and the love of God remain in you my Beloved Children; may my humble intercession protect you from all evil.
Your humble Servant , Joseph of Nazareth .
Make my messages known to all mankind, People of God