Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Call of Jesus the Good Shepherd to His Flock. Message to Enoch
Rejoice My Flock, Because the Time of the Appearance of My Two Witnesses is to Begin!

Sheep of My flock, Peace to you
My flock, in the time of the great tribulation and last reign of My adversary, I will only give My Word and Grace, to My Two Witnesses, to no one else. I will clothe them with the Power of My Glory and they will do wonders in heaven and on earth; with their power they will destroy the heresies and deceits of the Antichrist and they will be able to hurt the earth with all kinds of calamities and plagues. My Two Witnesses will prophesy with the strength, power and wisdom of My Holy Spirit, so that My People may be strengthened in faith and truth. Together with My Mother and My Angels, they will pave the way for My next coming.
Only My Two Witnesses will be given the Word of Prophecy in those days so that they can guide My People. My Two Olives will have the power to bind and untie in the heavens and on the earth and to make it not rain for the duration of their mission, One Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty Days. (1260). They will be the scourge of the Antichrist who will not be able to touch them or harm them, during the time of their mission. The Antichrist will not be able to display all his evil or steal the soul of all humanity, because there will be My Two Witnesses to prevent him. Only those who are not registered in the Book of Life will be lost.
The son of perdition will seek by all means to eliminate them, but the Power of God will cover them with his Wings. Only when they finish their mission can he touch them; He will kill them but their bodies will not be buried, they will remain lying in the great square of the city where the Lord was crucified. On the third day the Power of God will resurrect them. (Revelation 11, 8). Rejoice, My flock, because the time of the appearance of My Two Witnesses is about to begin. Give them all your material and spiritual help, so that My Two Olives can carry out the final stage of My Plan of Salvation. In your passage through eternity you will know them so that when they appear in your world you already know who they are and can follow them. The first stage of My Plan of Salvation began in America, the Continent of Hope; From this land pleasing to My Eyes I have made known My Messages of Salvation to the entire world; I have been instructing and preparing My flock for the days of the Great Tribulation and for the days of the great Armageddon that will give it victories over the forces of evil. One of My Two Witnesses is already in your midst but you have not recognized him, the other I have reserved for the time of the last reign of the Antichrist.
It is from America where I am calling My Flock through My Messages of Salvation; My Messages are the compass that will guide and protect you on your way through the desert; abide by them and put them into practice so that you can live tomorrow. I have sent you the complete Spiritual Armor, for your strength, the Rosary of Provision for times of scarcity; Prayers of Protection so that you can remain in victory against mental attacks, remedies from heaven and most importantly I have sent you to My Mother and the power of her Holy Rosary, so that you do not feel alone and thus taken on her Hand and in company of My Angels, My Two Witnesses and the Blessed Souls, you can safely reach the doors of My New Creation. Prepare, therefore, Sheep of My flock, because your passage through the desert of purification is approaching. Follow and listen to My Two Witnesses, obey My Mother's instructions and put into practice My messages of salvation, so that your passage through the desert is more bearable for you.
My Peace I leave you, My Peace I give you. Repent and convert, for the Kingdom of God is near
Your Master, Jesus the Good Shepherd
Make known My messages of salvation to the whole world, Sheep of My Flock