Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Friday, May 7, 2021
Urgent Call of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to Colombia. Message to Enoch
I Want My Beloved Colombia That in the Month of June Dedicated to Honor My Sacred Heart, the Entire Colombian Nation Consecrate Itself to Me, Day and Night; That Your Government Renew the Consecration of My Colombia to My Loving Heart; Asking for the Cessation of Violence, Peace and Protection of My Beloved Nation!

My Peace be with you, My Beloved Colombia
My Beloved Nation, I feel great sadness to see that you have not wanted to accept My Mercy and My calls to conversion. I have lovingly exhorted you to change, but no, you are still spiritually numbed by wickedness and sin, which saddens My Loving Heart. Your children have turned their backs on me and have ignored My calls. Understand My Beloved, that before you existed as a nation, I had already chosen you as a light for the world! I do not want to pour out My justice on you, and on your children; for you well know that I love you and I carry you hidden in the apple of My Eyes and engraved on the Palm of My hands.
I urgently need My Beloved Nation, that you awaken from your spiritual lethargy, so that you may carry out together with My other chosen nations, My plan of salvation for these end times! Remember My Beloved, that from You, will come forth the Cry of Freedom, which will awaken the entire world; a cry that has already begun with the diffusion of My messages of salvation and with the effusion of My Spirit that I have poured over your children. Awaken, awaken, My Beloved, so that you may illuminate the darkness and the gloom, which already hover over the earth!
Listen My Beloved Nation: your sincere conversion urges me, I do not want to unload on your land and your children, My Justiciary Arm, because you would not resist it! Accept My last bells of Mercy and return to My Loving Heart, so that you will not have to know My Justice. Your conversion is urgent; I am waiting for you with My open arms filled with Love and forgiveness, filled with Mercy.
The forces of evil are surrounding you, My Beloved, and they want to destroy My work; that is why I need your sincere conversion to destroy the plans of the enemy who prowls around you. Time is pressing My Beloved Nation, I need your Fiat to carry out My plan of salvation for these end times. I repeat: I do not want your destruction, nor do I want to see the blood of your children run; come to me as soon as possible, so that My Mercy may cover you and destroy the black cloud of atheistic communism that is beginning to cover you.
I want My Beloved Colombia, that in the month of June dedicated to honor My Sacred Heart, the entire Colombian Nation consecrate herself to Me, day and night; that your government renew the consecration of My Colombia to My Loving Heart; asking for the cessation of violence, for Peace and protection of My Beloved Nation. I give you this prayer of consecration to My Sacred Heart so that you may pray it day and night.
O Most Beloved Heart of Jesus, I come before YOU, with the burden of my sins, to beg and implore YOU to have compassion and mercy on me, on my family, on Colombia and on the whole world. I voluntarily consecrate myself to YOUR Most Beloved Heart and I voluntarily consecrate to YOU my family, my nation and all the nations of the earth. Protect us O Beloved Heart of Jesus and protect my nation and the whole world from the attacks, traps and snares of the evil one and his agents of evil. Sacred Heart of Jesus in YOU I trust. Amen.
Be in My Peace, My Beloved Colombian Nation.
Your Beloved, the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Make known My message to all the ends of the earth, My children.