Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Thursday, August 26, 2021
Call of Jesus of Mercy to His Faithful People. Message to Enoch
My Beloved, I Am Your Jesus of Mercy, Who is Waiting As a Beggar of Love, for You to Accept Me; Pray with Faith My Chaplet and I Assure You That Whatever You Ask in My Name to My Father, He Will Grant It to You if It is for Your Good and the Salvation of Your Soul!

Beloved Children, may My Peace and Mercy be with you always.
My children, you are in times of purification, remain alert and vigilant because the forces of evil are stalking you at every moment. Do not let your guard down with prayer and always be in the grace of God so that you may fight the good fight. Mortify your body, soul and spirit with prayer, fasting and penance, so that you may repel the incendiary darts that the mental spirits send you to rob you of My Peace.
Repel every incendiary dart of the evil one that reaches your mind so that it does not grow stronger and end up tormenting you and robbing you of the peace of the Spirit. Again I say to you: take every thought captive to obedience to Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 10:5) so that you may destroy the deceptions and incendiary darts of the spirits of evil. Welcome the rays of My Mercy and when the attack is very strong, say: "Jesus, I trust in You". The power of My Mercy united to your faith, and trust in Me, will deliver you from all evil.
My beloved, I am your Jesus of Mercy, who is waiting as a beggar of love, for you to accept Me; pray with faith My Chaplet and I assure you that whatever you ask in My Name to My Father, He will grant it to you if it is for your good and the salvation of your soul. Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For he who asks receives, he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. ( Matthew 7. 7, 8 ) Ask in faith and in the grace of God, and if you persevere in prayer in the divine will, everything will be granted to you. Remember: faith, perseverance and trust in God are the keys that open the doors of Mercy. Do not forget.
My children, I am pouring My Mercy abundantly upon mankind, especially upon those who do not know Me or are alienated by sin from Me. Each time My faithful children do My Chaplet in faith and in the grace of God, the torrent of My Mercy covers all mankind. I ask you My devotees of My Mercy to accompany me with the recitation of My Chaplet at 3 a.m., so that the fountain of My Mercy and its Rays of Light may destroy at that holy hour the prayers, incantations, invocations, curses, black masses and other satanic rites, which the emissaries of evil perform at dawn to invoke the evil spirits and consecrate creation and the immense majority of humanity far from Me, to the prince of darkness.
Beloved children, I respect your free will very much but if you ask me to have your Guardian Angel wake you up at 3 am, to pray together My Chaplet of Mercy, I will thank you and shower you and your families with abundant blessings. I tell you, whoever is devoted to My Chaplet of Mercy and extends it to his family and to the whole world, I assure him the joy of eternal life. My infinite mercy will deliver from eternal fire all those sinners who are covered with the recitation of My Chaplet at the holy hours of 3 am and 3 pm. Accompany me then My little ones in the hours of My Mercy, praying with faith My Chaplet, so that My merciful Rays may cover you, your relatives and the whole world.
My Peace I leave you, My Peace I give you. Repent and be converted, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.
Your Jesus of Infinite Mercy.
Make known, My children, the messages of salvation to all mankind.